Q: Tell us about your experience as a female engineer and your role at Brindley Engineering
A: I oversee all engineering repairs during tanks shutdowns, starting from developing the repair plan and scope and ensuring everything step and action meets the applicable codes and criteria. Also, I lead Root Cause Analysis process for all Benzene Waste Operations for the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, aiming to identify the real causes of any type of mechanical or process failure that might be leading to any leak on any determinate type of equipment.
Q: Why and how did you choose Engineering as a profession?
A: To be 100% honest, in my teenage years I was mesmerized by the principles behind the mechanics in automotive industry, especially F1 race cars, all that fluid mechanics, material selection and insanely interesting design made me think if I get a degree in mechanical engineering, I could end up working on cars!
“Being a female engineer now a days is way different than 40 years ago. Back then being a female engineer meant breaking stereotypes and standards in a male dominant field. Right now, it is very gratifying, and I feel so proud every time I see another female engineer in the field.”
A: Being a female engineer now a days is way different than 40 years ago. Back then being a female engineer meant breaking stereotypes and standards in a male dominant field. Right now, it is very gratifying, and I feel so proud every time I see another female engineer in the field. I love when I show up to a meeting and see that all the engineers are young women executing challenging job descriptions and doing it in the most graceful way.
Q: What has been your biggest accomplishment so far?
A: The biggest accomplishment in my career is moving to the US from Venezuela, starting from zero and being able to demonstrate what I am capable of as an engineer. I feel trusted by my leaders and managers, and that feeling is priceless. It opens more doors for other engineers who come to this country with so much to offer and so many skills that can help and improve this industry.
“I feel trusted by my leaders and managers, and that feeling is priceless. It opens more doors for other engineers who come to this country with so much to offer and so many skills that can help and improve this industry.”
A: I want to build up my technical knowledge in every opportunity that comes my way. I also want to get another API certification. I’m looking forward to boosting my leadership and management training.
“BE KIND, you never know what the person sitting next to you is going through.”
A: Always give 110% and learn as much as you can, it doesn’t matter if it is a craft or a fancy technical fact – add something new and useful to your brain everyday… BE KIND, you never know what the person sitting next to you is going through.
Fun Fact about Cristina:
Cristina was born in Maracaibo, Venezuela. She is a wellness and health enthusiast. She and a great friend/coworker/female engineer are big proponents of a program called 2+fitcamp. The program introduces and promotes strength training and metabolic conditioning activities for people of all fitness levels.