Manufacturing Engineering Services
At the Core
Brindley Engineering believes that today’s manufacturing industry is constantly evolving and requires a keen eye on process and system improvements to keep up with the ever-changing industry needs and market demands. We are ready to design and implement new process infrastructure into plants to facilitate needed improvements, upgrades, and systems for manufacturing clients.
Every business requires a unique approach to unique challenges and we will adapt our process to meet your specific needs.
- Pharmaceutical plants
- Pulp and Paper plants
- Steel Mills
- Manufacturing facilities
- Facility Energy Savings and Efficiency Studies
- New capital projects
- Retrofit / Rehabilitation Projects
- Feasibility Assessments
- Maintenance Programs
- Reliability Initiatives

Manufacturing Industry Engineering Case Studies
Clash Detection using navisworks manage software
Reinforced Concrete Fire Deterioration
Guy wire evaluation
The Brindley Engineering team has a long history of conducting guy wire evaluations and designing repairs when necessary.
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